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Showing posts from September, 2018

Facts about Pediatric Advanced Life Support and CPR Columbus Classes

Even children and infants can be at the receiving end of cardiac emergencies. A victim would require immediate treatment for survival and the only form of appropriate treatment is proper application of the life-saving CPR techniques that comprises chest compressions and rescue breaths. If you belong to the Columbus region in Ohio, you can sign up for a program at the AHA certified CPR Columbus where certified instructors conduct the classes through a series of audio and video lectures and hands-on practice. There are courses for both healthcare and non-healthcare providers. Today, we are going to focus on a PALS class Columbus .  PALS Training Classes- This American Heart Association Pediatric Advanced Life Support certification course is designed for healthcare/emergency professionals who work in emergency departments, pediatric intensive care units, anesthesia units, pediatric surgery units, acute care units at children’s hospitals, pediatric sedation dentistry, etc. Comm

ACLS Classes Columbus and Atherosclerosis Symptoms and Treatments

Every organ and tissue in the body needs a supply of fresh, oxygenated blood which is delivered to all parts of the body through blood vessels called arteries. A healthy artery is like a clean pipe which has a smooth lining and is free of blockages that interfere with blood flow. Atherosclerosis is the buildup of cholesterol-filled deposits called plaque on the inner walls of arteries. The plaque narrows the vessels thus slowing down blood flow. Atherosclerosis can occur in any artery in the body, from those nourishing the heart (coronary arteries) to those supplying the brain, intestines, kidneys, and legs. Prior to talking about the symptoms and treatments of Atherosclerosis, let us discuss a bit about the life-saving CPR techniques that comprises chest compressions and rescue breaths. Properly applying the procedures can revive the life of a victim involved in a cardiac emergency which can either be a cardiac arrest or heart attack. If you belong to the Columbus region i